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One child policy in china essay

One child policy in china essay

one child policy in china essay

WebAug 2,  · This led to the Introduction of the One Child Policy: Limiting the children families could have. Putting pressure to use contraception. Family planning workers in WebFeb 22,  · China’s one child policy was necessary as it was what was stopping China from becoming over populated, but in today's society it is no longer necessary due as WebFeb 21,  · Officially known as the ‘family planning policy’, one child policy requires couples who stay in urban areas to have only one child. This restriction does not,

China's One Child Policy - Free Essay Example - Words |

This One Child Policy in China Essay example is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic, please use our writing services. com offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in. China hasthe highest population of any country in the world. There is every indication that India will pass China in total population some time between and Despite its relatively low RNI, China has chosen to continue its often criticized official policy of one child per family, which has been reauthorized through the current five-year plan Along with the statement reauthorizing one child policy in china essay one child policy was a proclamation that it would stay in place permanently.

The one child policy was initiated inwhen the Chinese government identified it as a short-term measure. The prospect of high population increase and the potential inability to produce enough food for growing numbers provided the impetus for the policy. The legislation included several requirements in addition to the one child provision. Included was the insistence on later marriage, a policy long in place in some Scandinavian countries, and on the spacing of children in situations where more than one child was allowed. Other exclusions covered families in which a child was disabled, both parents worked one child policy in china essay high-risk industries, or the parents were only children.

In addition, there one child policy in china essay special provisions in place for rural families. Generally, a second child was allowed after number of years, especially if the first was a girl. In some severely underpopulated regions of China, a third child was allowed. The one child policy includes provisions for the awarding of economic incentives for families in compliance, and penalties and fines for not adhering to the rules. Some of the more severe sanctions include the loss of personal property and dismissal from work. Within the one child policy is the acceptance of various means of birth control through contraception and abortion. This approach is similar to conditions one child policy in china essay Japan following the end of World War II, when the country was stripped of overseas territorial acquisitions and was back on its four-island homeland, one child policy in china essay.

Almost overnight, the rate of population increase in the country declined to low levels and overall population growth was curtailed. The one child policy was implemented despite an already sharply declining total fertility rate TFRdefined as the average number of children born per woman in the childbearing years. In the early s, the TFR in China was nearly six, which would indicate a high rate of population increase if it persisted over many years, one child policy in china essay. Bythe year in which the one child policy began, the TFR was down to approximately 2. The mid estimate for TFR in China is 1. Despite these reassuring figures, the Chinese government insists that the one child policy is within the long-term interests of the country. Of great concern is the fact that without the policy in place, there could be a dramatic increase in population within a generation, even though the TFR is significantly below the replacement rate.

This is because of the high percentage of the population still in the childbearing age group. In short, the Chinese government does not want to run the risk of bringing on a baby boom similar to the ones experienced in the s and s. The government insists that the Chinese population not exceed 1. On the plus side is the change in attitudes toward large families occurring as a population becomes more urbanized. This transition is expected to continue well into the future as the country continues to build its manufacturing and industrial base, economic thrusts that are largely based in cities. Also, there is every one child policy in china essay that families in China are becoming more attuned to having small families without the need for enforcement of the government-imposed one child policy.

There is evidence as well that the traditional preference for a male child is not as prevalent as in past years. Incidences of female infanticide or the aborting of female fetuses have dramatically declined. Nonetheless, the ratio of males to females in China is 1. The impact of this demographic on the political and social conditions of China in the next few years remains unknown. Essay Examples. Environment Essay Examples. ORDER HIGH QUALITY CUSTOM PAPER Always on-time, one child policy in china essay. FREE INQUIRY. ORDER NOW. Special offer! Promo code: cd1a Related Posts.

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One Child Policy, Essay Example |

one child policy in china essay

WebMar 15,  · All this is because of the effect one child policy in China. This one-child policy in China according to NG , has created gender imbalances which have created WebAug 2,  · This led to the Introduction of the One Child Policy: Limiting the children families could have. Putting pressure to use contraception. Family planning workers in WebThe one child policy was adopted to help improve economic, environment, and population problems in China. The policy was used to limits the number of children that couples

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